Nearly 1 in 5 dogs suffer from arthritic joint pain, reports the Canine Health Foundation. Whether it is aging joints, hip dysplasia issues, or other various orthopedic conditions, caring for and supporting your dog’s joints requires careful attention. No one wants their canine  to be limited due to joint pain that keeps them from functioning as a normal dog. To help your pup with hip or joint issues, focus on diet and nutrition, supplements, exercise, and a balance of preventative and supportive care.

1. Incorporate Supplements for Joint Support into Fido's Routine

One of the best preventative measures to help dogs with hip and joint pain is through nutrients and supplements. While not all genetic or pre-disposed joint issues, such as hip dysplasia, can be completely prevented, you can supplement your dog’s diet with vitamins to help reduce the severity of joint issues down the road. Supplements high in the vitamin glucosamine, for example, are recommended by many veterinarians to help reduce joint pain, reports the American Kennel Club. With the use of daily chewable vitamins for your dog, you can help your pup reduce the chances of joint pain later in life.

2. Manage Your Dog's Weight

Weight management is another way to help your dog with aching joints. Getting your dog to their recommended weight by breed can help reduce inflammation and stress on the joints, according to PetCareRX. Making sure your dog eats a healthy diet and gets the appropriate level of exercise will prevent obesity - a major contributing factor to hip dysplasia. We suggest you watch out for too many high calorie treats, choose dog kibble that supports joints, and keep your dog moving with daily exercise to aid in joint pain and weight management. There’s nothing worse than seeing your dog in pain. Support your dogs painful joints with careful attention to diet, weight, and exercise.

3. Ease Fido's Pain

Preventative care is typically easy, but you may be asking: what do you do for an elderly dog already in pain? The use of warm water bottles, gentle muscle and tissue massages, and a sturdy orthopedic bed can all help dogs who suffer from painful joints. While we always recommend you consult your vet if your dog is showing symptoms of hip dysplasia, these simple home remedies can provide some relief to your pup.

4. Take Routine Vet Trips

As always, don’t forget the importance of routine veterinary checkups for your dog. While we can work hard to use home remedies to prevent and ease our pup's  joint pain, we must also consult professionals. If needed, they can perform procedures to reduce pain and advise on best practices for keeping Fido happy and safe.